Gargunnock Village History  .....and other things

Welcome to my web site, first created in 2002. It has generated a lot of contacts over the years, from those tracing their genealogy and also Gargunnock expatriates worldwide.

I’m a native of the village, my ancestors, on the male side, having reached here from Balquhidder (McLaren Clan country) via Blairdrummond (just across the Forth valley) in the early 1800s and on the female side from Dundee via service in Meiklewood House in the late 1800s.  (Interestingly, modern DNA analysis tells me I’m 52% Celtic Scot, 47% Scandinavian and 1% English, I reckon the Vikings are to blame for that)

I have a large collection of pictures, documents, stories etc, some of which I display here.

Please contact me especially if you are a Gargunnock expatriate or descendant.  I’m always glad to hear from you.  Come back from time to time to view any new developments.  Now click on the tabs above and explore.

The heading photo is a composite of significant buildings and  landmarks within the Parish Boundaries.  Each has its own story to tell and all are interesting.  The tartan is modern McLaren.

John McLaren

So where is Gargunnock?….

Gargunnock sits on rising ground on the south side of the Forth valley (the Carse of Stirling) in Central Scotland, about six miles west of the City of Stirling and half a mile south of the A811 Stirling to Dumbarton Road.  

56º 7' 20" North  4º 4' 40" West.  What3words locator ///benched.illogical.mashing  

Click on the adjacent maps then zoom in for detail of streets,house names index and location of rental properties.

….. And what’s it like to live here?

Pretty good really.  It is set back from the main A811 Stirling to Dumbarton road so hasn’t any great traffic problems apart from parking. The City of Stirling and the Motorway network are only 15 minutes away so less than an hour takes you to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee, the Clyde coast or more than half way to Fort William.

It’s an area of high scenic value with plenty of local walks through Gargunnock & Leckie estates or beyond, through Boquhan estate, to the neighbouring village of Kippen.  The hills behind the village afford splendid views of the carse and beyond.

There is as good a community spirit about the place, as in most villages, with a dedicated hardworking core of volunteers keeping the important institutions going.  An Annual Agricultural Show, Village Gala & a Flower Show help to bring everyone together and there are organisations to suit most tastes in the extended Community Centre.

There’s also an excellent Primary School, a Church, an Inn and the village shop, currently undergoing substantial renovation, should be back in business by early 2025.

          Other Village Non-Commercial Web Sites

There are 2 other websites covering Gargunnock village matters

The official Gargunnock Community Trust Website can be accessed at and covers general village matters

Gargunnock Kirk has a Facebook page at

Village & Parish Map April 2024.pdf Village Location Plan.jpg