Gargunnock Village History  .....and other things

PARISH MAGAZINES - 1889 to 1955

First Parish Mag..jpgFor a long time, apart from Stirling-based newspapers such as the Observer and Sentinel, the only local news-sheet in the parish was the quarterly Parish Church Magazine or Supplement slipped into copies of the Life and Work Magazine).  

While devoted in the main to church matters it nevertheless gives the genealogical researcher snippets of interesting information about a sizeable proportion of the population.  

For instance, census data does not always provide addresses within the village to attach names to whereas the Parish Magazines often do.  In any case the census is only a snapshot taken every 10 years whereas the magazines are every 3 months. Peoples involvement in sales-of-work or local organisations is listed as are details of their contributions to the war effort during the two world wars.  Often there will be a eulogy included for prominent members of the community or a description of significant anniversaries.  As a source of interesting information they are invaluable for adding a bit of foliage to the branches on the family tree!

New for summer 2014, I have now been able to make all 350 pages available in .pdf form without exceeding the site size limit.  There are 2527 names and variations thereof in the database plus locations such as farms, towns, cities, countries etc.

Just follow the steps below.

Click on this photo to view a complete list of names and name variations as they appear in the magazines and note the decade(s) in which the ones you are interested in  appear then......

..........armed with that information check out the individual decades on the left in which your names appear and pinpoint any magazines you may be interested in.  

Note that these decade tables include locations after the name lists, which might also be of help to you.


Period 1889 - 1900

Decade 1901 - 1910

Decade 1911 - 1920

Decade 1921 - 1930

Decade 1931 - 1940

Decade 1941 - 1950

Step 1 - Overall Name Index to Pinpoint Decades Step 2 Name Index within Decades to Pinpoint Magazines Step 3 - Individual Magazines Index (only up to 1920)

Now click on the picture, left.

At first they will all appear in Page View but just click on the small box at the top right with the 4 lines in it to change to File View then make sure they are ordered by name. You can then locate the magazines you want and view them.

File names are in the format 1890_04b

I.e. year 1890, 4th magazine that year and page b (i.e. 2nd)

IHappy browsing.

Due to an ongoing review of Church Data Protection Policies I have had to limit the magazines viewable from this site to those covering the period 1889 to 1920.